Tuesday, May 13, 2008

On how to write

Struggling with one of the N+1 revisions that I have on my desk at the moment, I came across a beautiful passage on how to give advice on how to write. The text is written by John Van Maanen, a giant in the field of organizational ethnography ("Ehtnography Then and Now. Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management: An International Journal; Volume: 1 Issue: 1; 2006; p. 14):

"I am, for example, frequently asked how I write and know how to respond perfectly well to such requests. To wit:

I usually get up around seven or so and get a quick breakfast then go before eight to that Cadillac of a computer that sits on my desk for an uninterrupted three solid hours of work, usually the most productive part of my day. I take a break around eleven or so to fetch the snail mail and read my email, then it’s back to work – resisting by shear strength of character the seductions of this mail. I quit around one or so, get lunch and read the morning paper. Then back to the desk for another couple of hours until my concentration inevitably fades and I sag away from the desk around five, go for a run, take a shower and begin, drink in hand, to read over whatever it is I was writing during the day.

Piece of cake. Right? The problem of course is that I get a day like this once every two or three months. I do have a family, classes to teach, a dog to walk, administrative duties to attend to, students to meet, social attractions that call and so on. But I do think my fictional day is rather typical of the help and advice we give when someone asks how to write."

I particularly enjoy the notion that Van Maanen has a day like that once every two or three months. Man, I wish I had a day like that, everyday.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Happy Wappu!

In Finland, we celebrate Wappu at the turn of April into May. Today was Wappu day, whereas yesterday was - naturally - Wappu eve. Wappu is a joyous occasion, where we welcome the triumph of spring over winter, which is, truth be told, a rather sullen and laborious season at these latitudes.

Anyway, wanted to share this joyous occasion with you by sharing two film clips from my youth. They were funny then, and have not ceased to be funny until this very day.

No. 1. Three Amigoes and the Singing Bush

No 2. Eddie Murphy's discourse about a banana

Strolling the spring with Iivari

My son Iivari has reached the age when it's cool to do stuff with dad. We went to the park on the beach (the one with the big pirate ship thing), and whilst strolling at the beach, I caught a few snapshots of spring advancing.

A ship with some muddled foreground interest...

Two specimens of Isokoskelo (lat. Mergus merganser, engl. Common Merganser) chasing each other. Teenagers, probably...

A flock of cranes...

A closeup...