Sunday, March 11, 2007

Here comes the sun

The sun has emerged and the world is starting to melt. Spent some time standing in the slush with my daughter, who was savoring a dip into every puddle. Picked a nice quote from Virinocum by M. John Harrison, which I was reading while monitoring my daughter's activities (I do not own a pair of rubber boots).

The quote is an angry retort, offered by a warrior in a world nearing its end, to a mechanical vulture, capable of speech (!). The bird had foretold the ending of time.

"Bird, you will end up as rust, with nothing to your credit but unproven hypotheses. If we are at the end of Time, what have you to show for it? Are you, perhaps, jealous that you cannot experience the misery of flesh, which is this: to know intimately the doom you merely parrot, and yet die in hope?"

Somehow, that quote had quiet resonance to a lazy sunday morning, standing in a puddle.

Swing low, sweet chariot...

A dash of green...

Winter receding...

Rubber boots...

Leaving on a jet plane?


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