Monday, April 10, 2006

I thought that I would not have the time to write a blog. Maybe I don't. We'll see.

The reason I decided to try this is that I have noticed that I occasionally enjoy reading people's blogs. When I am bored, I sometimes check a blog written by a famous person whose work I enjoy, like (the guitarist) Robert Fripp's long-running weblog, or (fantasy author) George R.R. Martin's new blog. Writing a blog of my own from this basis would not be such a good idea, as I am not famous, but recently I have found that I enjoy readind blogs written by acquantainces such as the blog written by Ola Rinta-Koski, an old bandmate who moved to Australia and seems to enjoy a fabulous existence down under.

The thing I enjoy in blogs are not so much the little things from mundane existence but reading the thoughts of another person regarding some little thing or the other.

I'n going to give myself some ground rules. This blog is going to be about thoughts of things small and big. I am not going to discuss doing the laundry as something profoundly interesting. Yet if I have thoughts while doing the laundry, that's another story. I am not going to discuss details of my personal life: at least not the sort of things that would enable somebody to rob my house while I am away or cause embarrassment to a loved one. So while family life for instance does constitute a significant portion of my daily existence, I am not going to discuss it here.


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